October 2008

Meeting Minutes




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Board of Directors and Stakeholders Meetings

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Board of Directors Meeting

Those Present:  Lloyd Smith, Ed Royce, Christine Hancock, Gordon Hancock, Mark Kingsbury, Carla Aubrey, Robin Wyatt-Little.

Introductions were made.  Carla Aubrey introduced herself as Bob Robinson’s assistant.

MINUTES:  Minutes were approved.  Motion to accept by Ed Royce.  Second by Christine Hancock.  Unanimous approval.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Christine reports an operating account balance of $765.54.

Grant balances are: Bodfish Canyon Project - $2959.50 and State Farm - $592.88.

Recent donation of $250.00 from Paramount Farming Employee donation program was received and will be reflected in the November report.  Ed advised that a receipt for all donations must be provided, showing the KRV FSC ID number.  Lloyd was aware of this as has been including this information on all receipt letters sent to donors.  Alliant Insurance Liability Premium was paid ($1323.94) on 10/6/08.

Motion to accept by Ed Royce. Second by Robin Wyatt-Little. Unanimous approval.

Fundraising:  Recent donation as mentioned in treasurer’s report.

Chipper Days:  No report.

Speaker’s Bureau:  Debbie and Robin gave a FSC presentation to the South Fork Women’s Club on September 16th to an audience of 60.  Ken Stevens, Debbie Santiago, Lloyd Smith and Robin Wyatt-Little attended a POA meeting at Pala Ranches on September 27.  FSC representatives spoke individually with property owners, advising them of defensible space treatments and information resources.

Gordon and Christine Hancock managed a FSC information table at the Peddler’s Faire on September 19 with an estimated 35 visitors to the table.  Gordon and Christine also had a FSC information booth at the recent Health Faire.  Robin has made a connection for Havilah residents and will proceed with plans for a FSC program.

BYLAWS:  Ed has done a superb job of reviewing the current by laws, submitting a written report of possible future updates/changes.  It was unanimously agreed by the Board to keep these suggestions on file for future action but that for now there is no need for immediate changes.  Ed suggested a policy regarding FSC audits rather than addressing this in a by laws change. Board agreed. Robin will notify California and Federal 501c3 authorities of FSC official address and new Board Officers/Members.  This will be done in January 2009 after elections.  Lloyd made a motion for a FSC audit to be done by a CPA every other year and when there is a change in the treasurer position.  Second by Gordon Hancock (kick, kick).  Unanimous agreement.

PUBLICITY:  Robin’s article about the September Appreciation Plaques presentation appeared in the KV SUN.  There was a glitch in Patrick’s article on the Bodfish Canyon photo and information.  Lloyd diplomatically suggested that while Robin should make the personal contact with local newspapers, it would be helpful if someone else submit the digital photos and information as Robin’s computer skills are not up to speed in this area. (Robin appreciates this greatly.)

WEBSITE:  Ed asked if the Board wants to retain the “.com” site.  Following discussion the motion to discontinue the “.com” site was made by Robin Wyatt-Little.  Second by Lloyd Smith.  Unanimous approval.  Ed submitted four invoices totaling $79.80 for reimbursement covering the $19.95 monthly charge from Earthlink.  Motion to reimburse Ed made by Lloyd Smith. Second by Gordon Hancock.  Unanimous approval.  Ed submitted a written website budget for Christine to incorporate into the FSC 09’ budget.

EDUCATION:  Lloyd will coordinate with Scott Williams for changing the roadside signs in November.

OLD BUSINESS: No report.

NEW BUSINESS:  Ed Royce, Christine Hancock and Robin Wyatt-Little attended the California/Federal 501c3 Tax Seminar.  Christine and Robin attended only the morning portion and were updated on reporting cycles.  Ed however, stayed for the afternoon portion and reports important requirements as follows:

l. The FSC needs to file a DE542 Form to the California EDD Department for every new employee and for independent contractors like Patrick.  Ed will get this form to EDD regarding Patrick and will inform Patrick of this requirement. 

2. The non-profit Integrity Act of 2004 recognized “Grant Raisers” as Fundraising Counsels and requires these people to be registered with the State Attorney.  Ed will research the needed form for this registration.


·        Prepare 2009 FSC budget – Christine

·        Notify State & Federal Agencies re FSC address and Board Members – Robin

·        Donation receipt letter to Paramount Farming – Lloyd  DONE

·        File by-laws future changes – Robin

·        Research CPA for FSC audit – Christine & Robin

·        Obtaining necessary forms for EDD & Integrity Act 2004 – Ed

·        Coordinate rotation of signs – Lloyd/Scott

Motion to adjourn by Lloyd Smith.  Second, Gordon Hancock.  Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 9:40.


Stakeholders Meeting – 10/16/08



Attendees:  Lloyd Smith, Ed Royce, Patrick G. Pontes, Carla Aubrey, Gordon and Christine Hancock, Mark Kingsbury, Robin Wyatt-Little, Debbie Santiago, Chris Ryan, Scott Williams, Nicki Washington, Gordon Ehmann, Lonnie Blank and Richard Grove.

Meeting called to order at 9:50 AM.  Introductions were made.

PRESIDENT’S REPORT:  None this month.

CALENDAR UPDATES:  None at this time.

ATTENDANCE UPDATES:  None this month.


Grants:  Patrick reports that 28 acres of the total 32 project acres of the Bodfish Canyon project have been completed.  The fuel break success story and photos will be shared at the State Fire Alliance Meeting next week.  The crew is doing an excellent job.

2009 Grant Proposals:  The Pala Shaded Fuel Break, Bodfish Canyon Phase 11 and Piute Meadows Project:  The State FSC has requested an updated Grantee Survey and copies of FSC legal documents.  These documents are ready for submittal on Friday and must be received before projects will be funded.

License to enter letters in progress for Piute Meadows. Half of the letters sent to Pala Ranches and Bodfish Phase 11 are back.

Ed Royce submitted a “Lessons Learned” paper regarding the Kennedy Meadows road brushing project.  Report is on file as well as the “License to enter” letter which was used for Kennedy Meadows.

Lloyd and Ed met with Judy Hyatt, Field Representative for Supervisor Jon McQuiston regarding the Sierra Nevada grant program. Supervisor McQuiston is now a SNC Board Member.  They specifically requested that Supervisor McQuiston ask that the SNC work through the California Fire Safe Council’s Grant Clearinghouse program. Judy Hyatt’s and Supervisor McQuiston’s support was promised. The KRV FSC  ASV Grant Application to the SNC will proceed.

California FSC and State Fire Alliance are hosting their annual meeting in Sacramento on October 22.  Patrick will attend along with representatives from BLM, FS, USF&WL.  Patrick will represent S. California Region regarding discussion about Interagency Relations and Success Stories.  Patrick will speak on behalf of KRV FSC, Tehachapi FSC and Mt. Pinos FSC.

FUNDRAISING: Recent $250 donation from Paramount Farming Employee Donation program.  Thank you/receipt to be sent.

CHIPPER DAYS: Gordon reports that Squirrel Valley is planning another chipper day.  No firm date as yet.

SPEAKERS BUREAU:  Robin reports FSC programs and/or materials were presented at the South Fork Women’s Club; Peddler’s Faire; KRV Health Faire and Pala Ranches POA.  Robin has made a resident contact in Havilah for a FSC Program.  No date as yet.

BY LAWS: Ed Royce has submitted a written report with recommendations for possible future changes to our by laws none of which are crucial for the present.  It was agreed by the Board to keep these suggestions on file for a later date.  Ed also suggested that rather than a by law addition, a policy would be appropriate regarding FSC audits.  The Board agreed that an audit should, if possible, be performed by a CPA every other year and prior to a new treasurer taking office.

PUBLICITY:  FSC September Appreciation Day meeting photos and article was published. 

WEBSITE:  Ed reports that updates are in the pipeline.  The Board voted to discontinue the “.com” effective February 2009.  From that point forward the FSC site will be “.org.”

EDUCATION:  Debbie Santiago has the binders ready for assembly.  She will see that they are distributed to the KRV Libraries.

Lloyd will coordinate with Scott Williams for rotation of the roadside signs in November.


KCFD:  Mark Kingsbury will bring more Wildfire education DVD’s and current KRV FSC Brochures to the next meeting. The balance of the State Farm Grant will be used to print more brochures once updates are incorporated. Mark reports that public comments are very positive for the Bodfish Phase 1 project.  Five acres remaining to complete.  Mark also reports that KCFD will be implementing a rotation schedule for the Fire crews so that KRV will always have a crew present.

BLM:  Debbie Santiago will try to obtain more current brochures for the FSC.  Debbie will look into why some of the Property Owners who may just be in Tehachapi, did not receive their home assessment back from the SCA team.   BLM crews have finished their brush clearing in the Walker Pass area.  Debbie will coordinate with Patrick regarding a display showing photos of various FSC projects throughout Kern County.

FOREST SERVICE:  Scott Williams reports budget deficits affecting local projects with fire crews. 

MD RC&D:  Carla reports they received their grant from SNC.  This project will deal with yard and garden evaluations of individual properties as well as advice about watering, native plants and fire safe plants.  A guide book will also be developed.  Discussion followed regarding development of a plant list that speaks to fire safe, low water and native plants along with KRV ecosystems.  Robin suggested it might be productive to get all plant list “authors” at the same table to compile one definitive list for KRV residents.  To be continued.


Pala Ranches:  Lonnie Blank reports a successful POA gathering with the FSC representatives.  Their POA is actively sending letters to residents and absentee property owners regarding defensible space clearing.  Lonnie has included photos with these letters.

Kennedy Meadows:  Ed reports a very successful chipper day with BLM personnel and equipment.  Debbie Santiago was present at this event.  Six lots were chipped producing a large fuel reduction.

Squirrel Valley:  Gordon reports an absentee property owner called inquiring about the “how to” of defensible space clearing. This person was referred to the KRV FSC website and Gordon will mail the 2008 Hazard Reduction Provider list to this person.

Piute Meadows:  Richard Grove reports slow progress trying to coordinate a FSC introductory meeting with residents.

Walker Pass:  Lloyd reports “all quiet.”  Pleased with BLM clearing efforts. 

Alta Sierra:  Lloyd Smith had a lengthy conversation with Penny Lampkins about getting an Alta Sierra representative to the FSC meetings.  A work in progress.

Lake Isabella/Bodfish:  All quiet.

Frontier Trails:  All quiet.


Wildfire Awareness Week 2009:  Discussion and suggestions for an event.  A field trip to defensible space treatment residences in the KRV. Gordon suggested the LI/Bodfish POA might host a FSC Wildfire Awareness seminar.  Gordon will research this possibility.  A Saturday demonstration “burn” was suggested.  All ideas to be researched.

Living Green event in spring 2009 still in the planning stages.


At the November 2008 meeting Matt Pontes will give a presentation on the Greenhorn Mountain Park located in Alta Sierra.

There will be CA FSC grant writing workshops offered again. Dates and locations to be announced.


·        Red zone software evaluation in the works.  Ongoing – Debbie

·        FSC Brochures & DVD’s – Mark

·        Calendar updates – Robin

·        501c3 updates to State & Feds in Jan. 2009 – Robin

·        Required forms for Patrick as an independent contractor and grant writer - Ed

·        Attendance list update – Robin

·        File by laws update suggestions –Robin

·        Distribute FSC CWCC updates to local libraries – Debbie

·        Obtain addition FSC info brochures from State FSC – Debbie

·        Rotate roadside signs – Lloyd/Scott Williams

·        Check on home assessments from SCA – Debbie

·        Establish Squirrel Valley chipper day date –Gordon

·        Alta Sierra representative – Everyone

Motion to adjourn by Lloyd.  Second by Gordon.  Unanimous approval.

Adjourned at 11:17 AM.


Kern River Valley Fire Safe Council ● PO Box 633, Kernville, CA 93238

General information: Lloyd Smith ● (760) 377-3542 or Robin Little ● (760) 376-6842

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Site last Updated On: 11/26/2008