November 2008

Meeting Minutes




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Council Minutes

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Board of Directors and Stakeholders Meetings

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Board of Directors Meeting

Those present:  Lloyd Smith, Ed Royce, Christine and Gordon Hancock, Patrick Pontes, Bob Lechtreck, Richard Grove, Deborah Santiago, Ken Stevens, Scott Williams, Barbara Likens, Jeff Gletne, John Wilbanks, Matt Pontes and Robin Wyatt-Little.
Lloyd Smith convened the meeting at
8:40 AM .  Introductions were made.
MINUTES: Ed Royce moved to accept the minutes.  Second by Christine Hancock.  Unanimous approval.
TREASURERS REPORT: Christine reports an operating account balance of $1785.24.  Grant project balances are: 
Bodfish Canyon - $52,927.50.
State Farm - $592.88. (Note, Lloyd Smith received permission from Steve Smith to use this State Farm balance for educational purposes.)  Christine has paid the FSC post office box fee and also received Patrick Pontes’ current invoice for grant administration costs.  Discussion regarding bookkeeping process for grants projects.  Robin moved to accept the treasurer’s report.  Second by Ed Royce. Unanimous approval.
Christine submitted the FSC 2009 draft budget for Board approval.  The Board praised Christine for a thorough effort.  Ed Royce moved to accept the 2009 proposed budget.  Second by Robin.  Unanimous approval.
Christine and Robin were tasked with the action to locate a CPA to do an audit for the KRV FSC.  Christine determined there are no CPA’s in the KRV.  Robin located a CPA in
Bakersfield who explained the following general information regarding an audit for our FSC:
There are three levels of a financial review process:
A. Audit – the most thorough, in depth process involving all details of the FSC policies, processes etc.  Most expensive, estimated to be $1500 - $2500.

B. Financial Review – less involved review.  Checking bank statements against bookkeeping statements; general processes.  Estimated cost to be $500.00.
C. Cursory review – general review of statements versus reports.
Estimated cost to be $200.00.
The CPA suggested that a formal audit might be “overkill” for our FSC operation.  He suggested either B or C.  Board consensus that a formal audit was not needed at this time.
Lloyd will take the action to talk with the CPA.  Lloyd also suggested we could think about doing a self audit utilizing someone not affiliated with the FSC.  Ed and Lloyd pointed out that perhaps this CPA was not aware that this initial financial review would be for the past 5 years since the FSC has been a 501c3 organization. 
No changes to the agenda.
GRANTS:  Patrick reports the Bodfish Canyon Escape Route Brushing Project is now complete with some minor widening needed at the upper end of the project.  The crew has begun burning the piles which will continue through the winter as weather permits.
2009 Grant Proposals:
Pala Shaded Fuelbreak – all requested documents have been submitted to the State FSC.  We are waiting for funding from CFSC.
Bodfish Canyon Phase 11 Fuelbreak Project – Status the same as the above Pala Shaded Fuelbreak.
Piute Meadows Community Roadside Brushing and Chipping Project – Status same as the above two projects.
Quarterly Accomplishment Reports are now due and will be completed by the end of the month.
California Fire Safe Council/Alliance Meeting was excellent.  Patrick and Debbie attended. There was good information regarding projected federal funding, FSC successes throughout the State plus a question and answer segment.  The subject of grant funding for maintenance of previous grant projects was raised.  At this time none of the funding agencies are amenable to this idea based on greater priorities.  Patrick submitted an in depth report of this meeting.  Both Patrick and Debbie felt it was a worthwhile endeavor and were able to “sing the praises” of the three Fire Safe Councils in
Kern County .  Debbie and Patrick created a display with photographs, articles and a continuous DVD .  What a team!  Thank you.
Both Patrick and Ed will be attending a Clearinghouse Grant Writing Workshop in December.  Depending on her work schedule, Debbie may also attend.
FUNDRAISING: Lloyd reports fundraising efforts are good.  Recent donations have been received from Thomas Refuse, Tom and Jeanne Anderson, Lake Isabella/Bodfish Property Owners Association, Kern Community Foundation (anonymous) and Paramount Farming employee Cindy Meeker.  Ed suggested donation request letters be sent to property owner associations and others based on 2009 projected operating budget costs.
CHIPPER DAYS: The KRV FSC Board has agreed on providing chipper days as a community service, regardless of the number of participants, to residences, business and other groups so long as the work was done for fuel reduction and creation of defensible space, and the event is coordinated to make a reasonable days work for the KCFD crew. Ed Royce moved this should become the updated Chipper Day(s) policy of the KRV FSC.  Second by Gordon Hancock.  Unanimous approval.
Lloyd, working with community representatives has scheduled a chipper day project in Keyesville for November 21st.  Another chipper day event is forthcoming for the Valley View community, late spring 2009.
SPEAKERS BUREAU: Lloyd will be giving a FSC “Activities Update” presentation to KRVR, December 3rd,
9:00 AM , Kernville Chamber of Commerce Building.  Robin has scheduled a FSC educational presentation for the KRV Garden Group, January 13th, 2009 , 1-2PM at the Nuui Cunni   Center .  Robin is still trying to establish a date for Havilah residents to host a FSC program.  Ed suggested that it makes sense to reintroduce the “ember phenomenon” factor in future FSC educational programs.
BYLAWS: Ed Royce moved the bylaws committee be disbanded as there are no changes at present. Second by Robin.  Unanimous approval.
PUBLICITY: No report at this time.
WEBSITE: No report at this time.
EDUCATION: Lloyd reports there are three signs that have “.com” on them and this will need changing to “.org” effective January 09’.  The solution may be to have “.org” printed on a paste-on for easy application.   The signs will be rotated this month.  Lloyd will research what materials to have reproduced using the remainder of the State Farm grant balance.
Gordon Hancock reports that there is a fairly hefty charge to use the
Senior Center for a possible FSC Town Hall educational meeting.  He will research alternative sites i.e. the Fire Station, the High School facility.
OLD BUSINESS: Robin will notify State and Federal Agencies regarding name changes for Officers and FSC address.  As noted in the treasurer’s report, the audit information has been given to Lloyd and he will follow up with the CPA in order to make a final decision regarding an audit/financial review.
Ed and Patrick have completed and submitted necessary forms for compliance with EDD and the Integrity Act.
NEW BUSINESS: Lloyd has suggested an appreciation day at the February 09 FSC meeting, honoring the Forest Service and BLM . Unanimous agreement. Ed will arrange for appropriate dignitaries and Lloyd will arrange for plaques.
·         Notify State & Feds re FSC address & Officers names – Robin
·         Talk with CPA re FSC need for audit/financial review – Lloyd
·         Research alternative site for FSC town hall – Gordon
·         Fundraising letters to POA’s in January – Lloyd
·         Arrangements for February 09’ meeting – Lloyd and Ed
Meeting adjourned at
9:36 AM

Stakeholders Meeting
Thursday, November 20, 2008

The meeting was convened at 9:42 AM .  Introductions were made.
Agenda was adopted.
Calendar updates were noted with printed copies available to attendees.  Updates will be posted on the website.
Stakeholder attendance list is updated.  Printed copies available for attendees.
Patrick gave an overview of current and future grant projects.  The 2010 grant applications and support letters will be submitted
2/15/09 .
Patrick also reported on the recent California FSC/Fire Alliance meeting which was informative and well organized.
Patrick reported that the recent
Southern California wild fires were discussed and lessons learned were shared with those attending.
The large mobile home park destruction was described as burning from the inside (center) outward to the perimeter. 
Gordon Hancock asked if the KCFD inspects our local mobile home parks.  Generally there are rules governing residents living in the park.  For a larger infraction there is recourse through KC Code compliance.
Lloyd opened discussion regarding the Collaborative choices for 2010 grant projects.  Following discussion with good input from Debbie
Santiago of BLM and Scott Williams of FS and Bob Lechtreck from KCFD, Lloyd moved for concurrence of the 2010 grant proposal priorities.  The only change was to remove the Squirrel Valley Maintenance proposal following Debbie Santiago and Chris Ryan’s inspection of the area finding that it was in good shape and did not need maintenance at this time.  The priorities are: 1.) Bodfish Canyon Escape Route Phase 111 (LI1) and 2.) Burma Road Extension Plus (KV1).  Second – Ed Royce.  Unanimous approval.
FUNDRAISING: Lloyd reports total fundraising through
November 20, 2008 is $4141.50.
CHIPPER DAYS: A chipper day for Keyesville is scheduled for November 21.

SPEAKERS BUREAU: Lloyd will present an update of KRV FSC activities/successes to KRVR, Dec. 3rd, Wednesday,
9:00 AM at the Kernville Chamber of Commerce.
Robin has scheduled an educational program for the KRV Garden Group at their January 13th meeting,
1:00 PM at the Nuui Cunni Center .
Robin mentioned she would like to develop an educational program specific to the KRV mobile home parks.  To be continued.
Robin has been attending the “Living Green in the KRV” event planning meetings.  She will be responsible for a FSC display with brochures for handing out to the public.
EDUCATION: Debbie is working on the CWPP books for distribution to the KRV libraries.
BOARD NOMINATIONS: Lloyd Smith, nominating committee of one, polled existing board of directors and officers to see if all would be willing to serve for 2009.  All agreed.  Barbara Likens volunteered to be on the Board of Directors.  Nominations will be taken from the floor at the January 09’ meeting.  Election will follow.
KCFD:  Bob Lechtreck reports that the Bodfish Canyon Project 11 license to enter letters are near completion with only two letters yet to be returned.  Bob tells us that there are multiple KCFD retirements in the process with Mark Kingsbury leaving this month.  KCFD will be hiring a Registered Professional Forester and a Hazardous Fuels Reduction Officer.  The KCFSC meeting will be held December 17th,
1PM at the Victor Avenue KCFD Training Center .
FOREST SERVICE:  Scott Williams said the FSC road signs will be rotated this month. The FS has called for a cable survey before they erect the new sign in the Walker Basin area.  Burning piles of fuels is ongoing.  Of the influx of federal money ($900 million) into California , much of that will be spent in Southern California .  Of the $1.275 million for our area, most will be designated for hazardous fuels reduction and the Piute Restoration/Rehabilitation projects.  Scott reports that the Sequoia Forest website will feature National Fire Plan success stories.
BLM : Debbie Santiago reports the BLM will be working on the bottom portion of the Pala fuel break near homes.  Debbie tells us that BLM Field Manager Tim Smith is pleased with the FSC’s work. 
In the interest of time constraints, stakeholder reports were postponed until the January 2009 meeting in order to accommodate our guest speaker, Matt Pontes of KC General Services Department.
Matt Pontes gave an interesting and informative report on the Greenhorn Mountain Park Healthy Forest Project located at the Alta Sierra summit.  This project incorporates 181 acres bordering on one side of the Alta Sierra community.  According to the Alta Sierra Community Fire Safe Plan tree mortality is on the rise due to drought, insect invasions and severe crowding of trees competing for limited soil nutrients and water.  A healthy forest supports 50-75 trees per acre.  Currently, there are approximately 1000 trees per acre within the Park boundary.  Dead and dying trees pose a hazard to the public who frequent the area.  Also, forest density prevents the public from utilizing the trails within the
Mountain Park area.  The project will identify the compromised trees, removing them, leaving large healthy specimens.  The project is scheduled for 2009 – 2012.  The removed trees will be sold and all monies will be spent renovating the park rental cabins and other amenities.
Discussion followed with a suggestion that the FSC and Matt should give a presentation at the 2009 Greenhorn Mountain POA meeting on Memorial Day.  Also, it was suggested that during Wildfire Awareness Week 2009 would be a perfect time for a field trip to the project area.  Lloyd also took the action to arrange for Matt to give this program to KRVR.  Matt will oversee before and after photos of the project area.
·         Arrange Mtn. Park Project program with KRVR – Lloyd
·         Schedule Memorial Day FSC/Mtn. Park program with Greenhorn POA – Robin
·         Distribute CWPP’s to Libraries – Debbie
Meeting adjourned
11:30 AM .
NEXT MEETING WILL BE 1/15/09 : Board Meeting- 8:30 AM
Stakeholders Meeting –
9:30 AM , Supervisor McQuiston’s Conference Room, Lake Isabella.


·        Distribute FSC CWCC updates to local libraries – Debbie

·        Obtain addition FSC info brochures from State FSC – Debbie

·        Rotate roadside signs – Lloyd/Scott Williams

·        Check on home assessments from SCA – Debbie

·        Establish Squirrel Valley chipper day date –Gordon

·        Alta Sierra representative – Everyone

Motion to adjourn by Lloyd.  Second by Gordon.  Unanimous approval.

Adjourned at 11:17 AM.


Kern River Valley Fire Safe Council ● PO Box 633, Kernville, CA 93238

General information: Lloyd Smith ● (760) 377-3542 or Robin Little ● (760) 376-6842

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