April 2009

Meeting Minutes




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Board of Directors and Stakeholders Meetings

Thursday, April 16th, 2009

Board of Directors Meeting

Those attending: Lloyd Smith, Ed Royce, Christine and Gordon Hancock, Tom Parkin, Patrick Pontes, Barbara Likens, Bob Lechtreck, Cindy Thill and Robin Wyatt-Little.

Meeting convened at 8:30 AM.

MINUTES: Approval of March minutes postponed. Corrections will be made with approval voted on at May meeting.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Christine reports the following balances: FSC Operating Account - $3,248.33 Pala Ranches Grant: $5,000.00 Phase 11 Bodfish Grant: $5,000.00 Piute Meadows Grant: $65,000.00

It was noted that payment of AD&D insurance premium was approved for $210.00, not $310.00 as stated in March minutes. So noted.

Chris reports that the audit will begin May 1st at a cost of $350.00.

Chris also reports that Albert Beutick has the needed paperwork to do the taxes which are due May 15th. Cost will be $350.00 unless an additional $50.00 is needed for the Charitable Trust filing.

Motion to approve the treasurer’s report – Ed Royce. Second – Robin Wyatt-Little. Unanimous approval.

President Lloyd Smith clarified the meeting format i.e. only items requiring Board of Directors action will be discussed during the Board Meeting. The minutes will reflect this format.

Lloyd suggested that ordinary, pre-approved expenses (website, insurance etc.) does not require back and forth email approval from the BoD. Unanimous agreement.

Lloyd also asked the BoD to respond to FSC business emails collectively so we all know what the group thinking is and how the vote was made on a particular issue. Unanimous agreement.

Agenda approved.

GRANTS: Patrick Pontes, KRV FSC Grant Administrator reports the following:

Pala Shaded Fuelbreak – We are in the Environmental Compliance process. We received $4000 from the State for initial expenses and once we have the environmental clearance we will receive project funding. The 2nd Quarter Progress Report is due April 30th.

Bodfish Canyon Phase II Fuelbreak Project – We are still in the environmental compliance process which BLM has just reviewed the report. We received $5000 from the State for initial expenses and project funding will arrive once the environmental clearance is granted. The 2nd Quarter Progress Report is due April 30th.

Piute Meadows Community Roadside Brushing & Chipping Project – We have received $65,000 for the project which is scheduled to begin April 15th. The 3rd Quarter Progress Report is due March 31st (due to State 4/30.)

2010 Grant Projects: (should hear by 4/30 if we are successful)

Bodfish III Fuel Reduction Project – Completed and submitted with Match Letter to CFSC on 2/17/09. Grant cost at $110,400 with a match of $11,190 (FSC is $1,100 & KCFD is $10,090.)

Burma Interagency Extension Project – Completed and submitted with Match Letter to CFSC on 2/l7/09. Grant cost at $96,400 with a match of $9,790 (FSC is $900.00 & FCFD is $8,890.)

CFSC News: There were 379 grant proposals submitted for the 2010 Grant Cycle, totaling $70 million dollars. The Forest Service has $23 million available with BLM less than $500,000 available. Competition will be very tough for this cycle.

Derrick and Patrick attended the workshop “How to Comply with Environmental Regulations” in Pasadena, sponsored by FS, BLM, USF&WL Service and LA County Forestry Department. Discussions included various laws & acts and complying with them both NEPA and CEQA, Exemptions/Negative Declarations etc. Terms such as “ground disturbing” and “age limitation” of NEPA/CEQA documents were defined as well as what to expect on our projects. We feel that we are doing a good job on our project(s) compliance. Derrick is working on strengthening Migratory Bird Act documents.

Cathy Brooks, CFSC Senior Grant Manager will arrive 4/30 to attend KCFSC’s Wildfire Awareness Workshop and field events. Cathy wants to meet FSC members and schedule time with Patrick, Derrick et al to look over project accomplishments.

FUNDRAISING: Lloyd Smith reports we have received $100.00 from Walter Mortensen Insurance Agency (thank you sent.) We have also received $250.00 from KC Firefighters Union for the upcoming Wildfire Awareness Workshop event (thank you sent.) Kennedy Meadows sent a $100.00 donation (thank you sent.)

Total funds raised thus far for 2009 - $850.00

Chipper Days: No BoD action* Speaker’s Bureau: No BoD action* Publicity: No BoD action* Website: No BoD action* Education: No BoD action* Old Business: No BoD action* New Business: No BoD action* *Recorded discussions/updates etc. noted in Stakeholders minutes.

Action Items: Correct March Minutes – Robin

Meeting adjourned 9:30 AM.

Stakeholders Meeting
Thursday, April 16th, 2009


Additional attendees: Lonnie Blank, Al Steuart (Homestead POA) and Gordon Ehmann.

President Lloyd Smith convened the meeting and introductions were made.

Agenda was adopted.

President’s Comments: Lloyd reminded everyone about attending the Board of Supervisor’s Meeting, Tuesday, 9AM, May 5th for 2009 Wildfire Awareness Week Commemoration.

Calendar Updates: Robin will add the KRV Health Faire date of 4/14 for future reference on next year’s calendar.

Attendance List: Ed Royce has a new email: An updated list will be emailed to FSC participants before May meeting.

Committee Activity Reports:

Grants: (See full report from BoD minutes.)

2009 Grant Projects Status Reports: Pala Ranches – Crew 7 is working on this fuel reduction project. Bodfish Phase II – Crew 87 plus ASV will work on this project. Piute Meadows – To begin 4/21 with Crew 81, then Crew 87. Discussion about Chipper Day events within project areas during grant periods may be used toward match requirements. The Homestead POA (Lakeview Estates and Silver Lake Estates proposed chipper day events will be included in match requirements for Pala Ranches grant project (9/16/08-3/31/10) This group represents 104 parcels. Tom Parkin and Al Steuart will collaborate on scheduling. Tom Parkin will also coordinate with Richard Grove regarding chipper day event in the Piute Grove project area during the project grant period.

Gordon and Chris Hancock will solicit a chipper day event(s) in Bodfish to coordinate with the Bodfish Canyon Phase II grant project period.

Robin will write an article regarding chipper day events, encouraging KRV residents to participate.

FUNDRAISING: Lloyd reports a total of $850.00 raised for 2009 thus far. Mortensen Insurance Agency - $100.00 KC Fire Fighters Union - $250.00 (To be used for Home Ignition Zone Workshop event) Kennedy Meadows - $100.00

CHIPPER DAYS: Chair, Tom Parkin reports the following scheduled chipper days. Pala Ranches – May 9th Squirrel Valley – May 16 (Crew 81 & CEO Boys) Walker Pass – May 23 Alta Sierra – June 6

Pending Chipper Days not yet scheduled: Valley View The Lodge at Painted Rock Isabella Highlands

There was discussion dealing with the KRV FSC providing chipper days for residents who are physically unable to clear their parcels. Ideas presented for consideration in developing such a program: Utilize Camp Owen Boys via the Junior Forestry Program Derrick Davis is currently organizing. Identify those residents needing FSC assistance via the Meals on Wheels program. Drivers could be trained to assess a property in need of defensible space/home ignition zone work. Ed Royce will research potential grant funding for such a program. Cindy Thill suggested the FSC needs to understand the nuances surrounding the privacy issue.

Discussion will continue regarding this issue.

Bob Lechtreck, KCFD, suggested another method for residents to dispose of their cut brush: If we can locate a large parcel/lot, residents could bring their cuttings to the lot and when there was time for the crew, they would come to the lot and chip it. This is how Alpine Forest handles resident’s fuel reduction work cuttings. Lloyd asked everyone to be looking for such a parcel of land that might be used for this purpose.


Matt Pontes will be giving a report to Greenhorn Mt. POA, May 24th regarding the Greenhorn Park fuel reduction, restoration project. The KRV FSC and KCFD collaborated on an educational booth for the Living Green event on March 28th. There were approximately 60 contacts with residents to discuss wildfire mitigation techniques and to encourage chipper day events. Derrick Davis and Brandon Smith, KCFD, joined Barbara Likens, Gordon & Christine Hancock and Robin Wyatt-Little for this effort.

Gordon and Christine Hancock “peopled” the FSC table and display area for the KRV Health Faire, April 14th. Approximately 60+ residents stopped by the table for educational materials.

Depending on schedules, Gordon and Christine may also represent the KRV FSC at the Havilah Days on May 23rd. Robin will call and get pertinent information regarding participation.


Articles and notices will be submitted to both the KV Sun and the Courier highlighting Wildfire Awareness Week events. The Living With Wildfire newspaper inserts will be ready sometime in May, hopefully for Wildfire Awareness Week distribution in the KV Sun. Robin will inquire as to where and when the inserts are to be delivered. Bob Lechtreck tells us that State Farm funding has not been received as yet for the inserts.


Ed Royce reports that Chipper Day updates will be on the website soon. He also tells us that recent FSC project descriptions will also be on the site soon.


Cindy Thill reports that all 4 roadside frames have been reinforced and painted. THANKS SCOTT AND CREW! Cindy also tells us that the Fire Education Trailer will be visiting local elementary schools from 5/1 – 5/8.


Debbie Santiago reports that everything is “set” for the May 1st Workshop/Class at KCFD Headquarters in Bakersfield. Debbie also reports that she and Sean Collins, KCFD PIO are coordinating a flyer/poster which can be used by each FSC to advertise the event. There will be approximately 9 people attending from our FSC. Robin will alert Debbie to number of attending from KRV FSC.

Gordon Ehmann presented a detailed agenda for the Sunday, May 3rd event to be held at KCFD Lake Isabella Station #72. Scott Williams will present a power point program explaining prescribed burning. The FS will also have their fire safe plant display “board.” There will be the FSC information table and display board. Pat Durland will give an abbreviated overview of the “Home Ignition Zone” workshop information. There will be a tour of three homes for home ignition zone assessments, illustrating a range of wildfire preventative mitigation measures. A box lunch will be provided for those who have requested such. There will be beverage and snacks provided for the morning event. THANK YOU GORDON!

Christine Hancock suggested a $200.00 maximum reimbursement to Gordon Ehmann for expenses incurred. So moved by Lloyd Smith. Second by Ed Royce. Unanimous agreement.


KCFD: Bob Lechtreck reports that KCFD has submitted a grant for a new mulcher and trailer. Bob tells us that the Fire Crew 81 is in training and will be ready to begin Piute Meadow Brushing Project April 21st.

Bob also spoke to Kern County budget constraints and how this will affect KCFD Fire Crews. Bob expressed appreciation for the recent KRV FSC letter of support for KCFD and the Fire Crews. During budget difficulties seasonal personnel are the first to be pink slipped.

FOREST SERVICE: Cindy Thill tells us there will been engine rotations necessary due to recent Engine Captain retirements resulting in not enough Engine Captains available for all FS Engines.



Property Owners Associations:

Squirrel Valley POA sent a $100.00 donation. Lloyd will send a thank you note.

ACTION ITEMS: · Schedule Piute Meadows POA meeting – Richard Grove/Robin · Chipper Day request forms to KRV KCFD Stations – Tom Parkin · Isabella Highlands chipper day – Tom Parkin/Pete Shanley · Article about chipper days – Robin (done by Barbara Likens) · Develop article on fire safety spec’s/screening – Robin · Confirm “Inserts” delivery with KVSun – Robin (done) · Homestead POA chipper day event – Tom Parkin/Al Steuart · Piute Meadow chipper day event – Tom Parkin/Richard Grove · Bodfish/L.I. chipper day event – Gordon & Chris Hancock · Speakers Bureau/Havilah Days – Robin · Research large vacant parcels availability – EVERYONE · Research further for chipper days for those unable to clear their parcels – EVERYONE

Meeting adjourned at 11:45 AM.

Next month’s meeting is Thursday, May 21st: Board of Director’s Meeting at 8:30 AM, Stakeholders Meeting at 9:30 AM. Supervisor McQuiston’s conference room, 1150 Lake Isabella Blvd., Lake Isabella, California.


Kern River Valley Fire Safe Council ● PO Box 633, Kernville, CA 93238

General information: Lloyd Smith ● (760) 377-3542 or Robin Little ● (760) 376-6842

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