March 2, 2011

Meeting Minutes 




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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Kern River Valley Fire Safe Council 

Board Meeting

Attendance: Terry Bolt, Don Davis, Tom Gelder, Christine Hancock, Gordon Hancock, Sharon Rooney, Ed Royce, and Lloyd Smith

The meeting, held in the conference room at the USFS Kernville Office, was called to order by President Lloyd Smith for the purpose of developing a working strategy for 2011.

President Smith reviewed the Board's operating procedures, including how our monthly virtual meetings worked, the quarterly stakeholder meetings, the website's calendar, and the contact list. He then reviewed the various committees:

Treasurer - Sharon Rooney provided a first draft budget. Several alternatives were considered and it was agreed that we need to initiate projects that will spend the considerable carryover from previous years. Sharon and Lloyd will rework budget for approval.

Grants - Ed Royce, Chair -

Royce and Smith described the roles of Patrick Pontes and Ken Delfino and reviewed the various grants with which we are involved. Royce mentioned that he needed an understudy since the Grants Committee shoulders a crucial part of the FSC's business and that it requires a lot of work. With the budget cuts that are occurring, Royce voiced concern about whether some of our existing grants would be honored in subsequent years. Royce mentioned that there was an annual grant writing workshop that the Chair usually attended.

Chipper Days - Don Davis, Chair -

Davis updated the board regarding seasonal fire crews and staffing. At present, all seasonal crews are laid off and it isn't clear when they will be rehired. It will remain to be determined what Chipper Days will proceed. There was also discussion about Roving Chipper Days and the use of Camp Owens youths. There are enough limitations that using them may not make sense. Don Davis and Lloyd Smith will work with the USFS and BLM on some alternatives.

Fundraising - Lloyd Smith -

Smith described the efforts that had been made in the past, including a letter campaign to local businesses and organizations and the fact that we hadn't raised as much money last year as in past years. Gelder offered to review the letter campaign and to help with it this year. Discussion focused on asking for funds from property owner associations, service clubs, the Kern Community Foundation and other possible donors.

Website - Ed Royce, Chair -

Royce reported that the website was recently updated and then various board members talked about ways that it could be put to further use, especially for education and outreach.

Education - Terry Bolt, Chair -

Bolt covered an extensive list of activities and ideas she was exploring for involving the local schools. She seems to have considerable buy-in from local educators. The ideas that she has will involve commitment of some funds from the Education budget. The consensus of the board was that this was a good use of those funds. Smith talked about a speaker's bureau and the fact that there were numerous opportunities for someone from the board to speak before the community. He was hoping that speaking engagements could be worked into the Education Committee's plans.

Projects - Lloyd Smith

Smith discussed efforts to come up with more Living With Fire brochures and how that the Kern Valley Sun was interested in doing it as something that wouldn't cost the Council much if any money by selling advertising. Use of the brochure was discussed and plans made to incorporate it into a number of the activities undertaken by the Education Committee.

Smith proposed that additional roadside sign messageboards be purchase so as to have the full twelve planned for rotation.

Smith discussed contacts with the Kern River Valley Revitalization regarding a collaborative effort to make the Kern River Valley a Firewise Community. KRVR has not responded and it was agreed that without a collaboration that the council must pursue activities that it alone can complete.

Publicity for various council activities was discussed and it was agreed that committee chairman would be responsible for development, approval, and submitting publicity for their events. It was agreed that publicity article MUST be circulated to the BoD before submitting to news media.

With no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. The next board meeting will be a virtual one, held the third week of March, via e-mail


Kern River Valley Fire Safe C-uncil ● PO Box 633, Kernville, CA 93238

General information: Lloyd Smith ● (760) 377-3542

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