January 2007

Meeting Minutes




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Council Minutes

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Board of Directors and General Membership Meeting
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Those present: Sharon Rooney, John Smith, Cindy Thill, Barrie Mann, Robert Robinson, J. Skip Reymann, Jack Tomlinson, Ed Royce, Harry Love, Rich Olson, Tom Parkin, Margie Clack, Sue Rocha, Scott Williams, Deborah Santiago, Ruth Ellison, Gordon Hancock, Christine Hancock, Margaret Belz, Ken Stevens, Emily Diggles, Chuck White, Robin Wyatt-Little.

President Ed Royce convened the meeting at 8:30 A.M. Ed introduced the new KRV FSC Grants Administrator, Patrick Pontes.

Motion to approve the minutes: Sharon Rooney – 1st. Ed Royce – 2nd.
Unanimous approval.

Treasurers’ Report: Sharon Rooney reports an operating account balance of $2,855.26. Grant balances are: Frazier Park - $43,476.77;
Hungry Gulch - $15,452.59; Kennedy Meadows - $17,079.78 and Mt. Pinos - $9,500.00.

Sharon reports that 1099’s are being processed. Sharon has asked that all consultants/contractors submit a W9 form to the KRV FSC. Patrick and Rich will see to this.   Motion to accept: Robin Wyatt-Little – 1st. Christine Hancock – 2nd. Unanimous approval. A round of applause to Sharon for her generous service to the Fire Safe Council as she steps down effective 1-19-07. THANK YOU SHARON!

Grant Report: Rich Olson, retiring Grant Administrator

Progress continues on Frazier Park and Pinyon Pines projects.
Hungry Gulch: Fuels cutting is done. Piles to be burned by KCFD crew when time and weather permit. Outstanding invoices are being processed.
Kennedy Meadows: Ken Delfino is wrapping up the draft of the CWPP and the final CWPP will be presented at the February 2007 FSC meeting.
Mt. Pinos: CWPP is completed and grant balance is being reconciled.

Grant Administrator Patrick Pontes reiterated the February 16, 2007 deadline for concept paper(s) submission. For the 2008 grant period, the following will be submitted: Tillie Creek fuel reduction project; Kennedy Meadow road brushing project; Walker Pass CWPP; Tillie Creek fuel reduction project and Bodfish Canyon fuel reduction project in priority order. Patrick will forward copies to Debbie Santiago and Scott Williams and Ken Stevens for comments prior to the February 16th deadline.

Fundraising: Lloyd Smith

Lloyd reports that 50% of the annual operating budget goal has been raised through private donations. The next phase of fundraising will be an outreach to the business community of the KRV.

Barrie Mann suggested that perhaps the FSC needs to refine and articulate budgetary needs more clearly. Barrie feels that the general public has a perception that the FSC is adequately solvent because of grant funds. It was agreed that this perception will be addressed in future presentations and articles in the local papers.

Firewise Demonstration Garden: Ed Royce
Due to time demands and holidays this project is in a holding pattern.

Road Sign(s) Project: Ed Royce

Jim Davis and Debbie Hess of SCE have communicated regarding financial sponsorship of this project. Lloyd will submit a formal proposal to Debbie.

Cindy Thill submitted several excellent color mock-ups of the 12 proposed seasonal messages to be used on the signs. Cindy will be submitting for the FSC, the four encroachment permits to Cal Trans soon. THANK YOU CINDY! Research will continue for the exact composition of the sign board materials. The Forest Service will install the signs.

Publicity: Margie Clack

Margie requested that Committee Chairs submit articles regarding their respective FSC activities i.e. chipper days, speakers bureau, sign project, arson education etc. Margie suggested that we look into the local radio talk show format as a means to advertising FSC services. Margie pointed out that all of these topics should lead up to Wildfire Awareness Week 2007 (1st part of May.) It was agreed that when the sign project is ready for installation, this would be a great photo-op for the FSC and its’ partners. Cindy Thill suggested perhaps the FSC logo might be included on all newspaper articles to draw special attention for the readers. Agreed. Margie will pursue this.

Chipper Days: Margaret Belz

Ed suggested that we be a bit more aggressive in advertising our chipper day program to the public. It was further agreed that the chipper day guidelines should be expanded to include any chipper project that constituted a days’ work for the crew rather than limiting it to a specific number of households participating.

Speakers Bureau: Robin Wyatt-Little

Ed, Lloyd and Robin will be attending the Mojave Desert-Mountain Resource Conservation & Development meeting, January 25, 2007 in Ridgecrest. The new FSC informational CD will be presented and Lloyd will explain the FSC funding needs in conjunction with Ed speaking about specific FSC projects.

The new CD will be presented to KRVR, Wednesday, February 7, 2007 at 8:00 A.M., Cerro Coso College, Lake Isabella; North Kern Property Owners Association, Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 6:00 P.M., location to be determined; Kern Valley Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, March 28, 2007, Paradise Cove Restaurant at noon. Ed, Lloyd and Robin will be the presenters.

New Business:
Following discussion it was agreed to leave the FSC meeting time at 8:30 A.M. A big THANKYOU to those who drive a long distance to attend!

KC FSC Meeting: Ken Stevens 
Wildfire Awareness newspaper inserts will again be printed and distributed throughout Kern County.
Ken and John Smith will be attending a statewide meeting hosted by CDF to review the new Fire Hazard Severity Zones. The methodology has been refined to assess slope, aspects, fuel types and weather. The impact will affect building permits. Margie suggested that this might be a good article for the local newspaper.
The subject of KC FSC’s wanting to support individually, the HDFPA poster contest was discussed. Cost is the big factor. HDFPA is not able at this time to carry this project due to cost and shortage of personnel. Tehachapi FSC is issuing a template for a poster contest for their billboard, “Defense Makes Sense.”  We are welcome to use this format and theme if we’d like. Debbie Santiago will type up an outline of process for the poster contest and a decision will be made at the February meeting. It was suggested that perhaps local banks/businesses might support the cost of the poster contest.
Grant Writing Workshop: Ed Royce
Ed Royce, Patrick Pontes and Lloyd Smith attend the State Fire Safe Council workshop. Ed et al felt this was informative and most helpful.
Old Business:
KRV FSC Brochures: Scott Williams
Scott will print out 30 brochures for the upcoming speakers’ bureau presentation to the MDRC&D meeting. Large printing cost to be determined.
FSC Boundary Expansion: John Smith
John Smith distributed colored maps delineating the new boundary lines for FSC areas of influence as determined by the committee. Motion was made to accept the new boundary lines with the stipulation that agency concerns i.e. FS, BLM, KCFD as well as private concerns will be addressed within the next 60 days and then reviewed and voted on at the March, 2007 FSC meeting. Robin – 1st. Emily – 2nd. Unanimous agreement. THANK YOU JOHN!
Lloyd Smith inquired about “Letters of Commitment” for matching funds on grant projects. Patrick and Rich et al reviewed the guidelines governing this issue.
Ed Royce asked for nominations from the floor for further nominations. None received. Bob Robinson made the motion to close the nominations. Rich Olson – 2nd. Unanimous approval. Unanimous approval for the following Officers: Ed Royce – President, Lloyd Smith – Vice President. Christine Hancock – Treasurer, Robin Wyatt-Little – Secretary.
Two former directors are now officers, leaving a void of two directors as stated in the FSC by-laws. After much discussion Ed Royce asked the executive committee to review the by-laws to streamline the numbers now required to make up the board of directors. The recommended by-laws amendment will be researched and communicated to the membership at large and voted on at either the February or March meeting.
FS: Margie Clack gave an update on the national and local personnel changes within the Forest Service administration. She also reports that approximately 146 FS fire fighters are leaving for Australia to assist with their current brush fire crisis.
Scott Williams tells us that he has prepared a binder which reflects the Collaborative projects for the FS, BLM, KCFD and FSC including maps. This will be distributed to the principals.
BLM: Debbie Santiago and Ruth Ellison
Debbie and Ruth report that they will be attending the University of Nevada at Las Vegas for continuing education courses and will undoubtedly miss upcoming FSC meetings. They also spoke of BLM personnel changes i.e. retirements and location changes. BLM personnel are also being deployed to Australia.
KCFD: Ken Stevens and John Smith
Fuel piles are being burned at Hungry Gulch grant project site as well as at Myers Canyon, Sawmill and Grandview (Kernville.) This years’ fuel crews will be on board about the middle of March so chipper days can begin within that time frame. Ken has developed the necessary signature pages for the amendments to the KRV FSC CWPP and will distribute to the principals for signatures. It was suggested that a new CD be burned to reflect the new projects outlined by the Collaborative.
Unanimous agreement.
Property Owners Associations:
Alta Sierra: Margaret Belz reports “all quiet on the COLD front.”
Alder Creek: Harry Love is processing the Prop 40, 9k Chipper Grant paperwork. This grant will cover a 3 year period utilizing a private contractor to do the chipping. Rd Royce and Robin Wyatt-Little signed documents for submittal to the CDF.
Squirrel Valley: Tom Parkin has requested a chipper day date for May 5, 2007. He and Margaret Belz will confirm. Squirrel Valley may try to include Mt. Mesa in this years’ chipper day event. A BIG THANK YOU TO TOM PARKIN FOR HIS GENEROUS DONATION TO THIS FSC!
Myers Canyon: Emily Diggles has requested a FSC presentation for April, 2007 in preparation for another chipper day. Emily is working toward a complete name and address directory for the Myers Canyon area.
Isabella Highlands: Jack Tomlinson
Jack reports that their Defensible Space Demonstration Lot, with an informational sign, is completed. The lot is located at 4th Street & Sawmill. Jack gave high praises to Jim Davis for all his efforts on behalf of Isabella Highlands fire safety.
Frontier Trail: Robin Wyatt-Little

Robin reports that the FTHA is having its semi-annual meeting on 1/20/07 at which time she will comment on the FSC mission and to solicit a donation for the FSC. Robin will also try to establish a commitment for a chipper day.

Walker Pass: Lloyd Smith

Lloyd reviewed some of the fire safety issues confronting his areas.

Kennedy Meadows: Ed Royce

Ed reports that the final CWPP draft is complete and will be presented at the February FSC meeting.

Lake Isabella – Bodfish: Gordon Hancock

New officers have been elected and their code compliance project has seen success on two parcels.

MDRC&D: Bob Robinson

Bob reports that the Native Plant Sale is in the works for this year.

Robin raised the concern that perhaps some of our local landscaping contractors are not “up to speed” on fire safe landscaping and are perhaps using groundcovers that in fact are highly flammable. Suggestions included more articles in the newspapers and perhaps reading materials given to landscaping services/vendors. Emily Diggles suggested we coin a new term for this effort: “FIRESCAPING.”

Chuck White, President, KRVR spoke to the FSC regarding the Man of the Year Award for Tom Anderson* and Toms’ influence on this FSC.

Chuck also spoke briefly on website linking between KRVR and the FSC.

Ed Royce will confer with our webmaster regarding updates and linking with KRVR and the Chambers.

Ed Royce adjourned the meeting at 11: 31 A.M.  

Kern River Valley Fire Safe Council ● PO Box 633, Kernville, CA 93238

General information: Lloyd Smith ● (760) 377-3542 or Robin Little ● (760) 376-6842

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