October 2004

Meeting Minutes




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General Meeting
October 21, 2004
Those present: Marcine Hughes, John Hughes, Sharon Rooney, Margie Clack, John Smith, Jim Davis, Pete Shanley, Delores Walmer, Emily Diggles, Betty Minster, Aceil
Dukeshire, Jim Bauer, Robin Wyatt-Little, Dick Sampson, Bibiana Branam, Judy Hyatt.
President Marcine Hughes convened the meeting at 8:35 A.M.
Introduction of Guests: Pete Shanley from Sawmill POA. Ace Dukeshire from Myers Canyon, Bodfish.
Minutes were approved: Motion to accept by Sharon Rooney, 2nd by Delores Walmer.
Unanimous approval.
Treasurers’ report given by Sharon Rooney. The KRVFSC operating fund balance is
$892.41. The Myers Canyon grant fund balance is $69,741.80.  Treasurers’ report is on file.
President Hughes requested $150.00 funding so she may attend the California State
Fire Safe Council meeting November 14th & 15th, 2004. Robin made the motion, Jim Davis 2nd. Unanimous approval.
Discussion followed that perhaps our FSC could draft a letter regarding the increased
defensible space requirements of many insurance companies so Marcine could lobby appropriate officials at the State FSC meeting. Agreed this was a good plan.
John Smith provided updates on all grant projects:
l. Rogers Road: work is completed with the exception of burning the piles which will be done when weather permits. All grant funds were spent with an additional $20,000.00 of matching funds provided by Kern County Fire Department crew time. Matching funds were not required.
2. Sawmill: work is completed except for burning cut fuel which will be done when weather permits. There is an approximate balance of $50,000.00 remaining. An extension of this grant will be requested so that remaining funds may be used to do additional fuel reduction in the Sawmill/Hungry Gulch area.
3. Myers: The archeology review has been sent to BLM for approval. Parcel ownership has been researched and 103 license to enter letters with maps were sent to
to property owners. (Represents 140 parcels.) To date approximately $1000.00 has been spent on this project.
4. Alta Sierra Fuel Reduction: As of October 11th there was less than 2/10ths of a mile left to complete the loop around the subdivision. From there we need to improve those
areas that need it and then burn the cut fuel piles. There are many, many piles to
burn and this will continue through the winter. The recent change in weather has allowed the crew to begin with some the necessary burning. Thus far approximately $110,000.00 has been spent of these grant funds.
5. Alta Sierra Fire Plan: Tim Walsh has nearly completed his Plan and will present it at the Fire Safe Council regular meeting on November 18, 2004, 8:30 A.M in Supervisor McQuistons’ conference room, Lake Isabella. TSS has submitted a 3rd version of their Fuels Management Plan with our response mailed back to them. There are a few minor corrections we would like to see and the balance owed to TSS may be adjusted per mutual agreement. The balance of grant funds will pay for both consultants and grant administrative costs.
All the grants are currently up to date in terms of progress reports. The three Forest Service grants have reports due the end of October. These will be done on the 28th.
Margie Clack reports that there is 6-8” snow at Sherman Pass. Jim Bauer reports that there are 160 cut fuel piles to be burned on Alta Sierra. Burning has begun and will continue weather permitting.
John Smith reports that two KCFD fuels crews will be in the KRV through November.
It is estimated that 120 lots have been cleared and the property owners have been billed.
Emily Diggles reports that there are fuel piles to be burned in the Myers Canyon area.
John Smith said that the fuels crew can take care of these piles when the fuels crew begins work on the larger fuels reduction project in Myers Canyon.
John Hughes reports that there was a recent fire in Squirrel Valley as the result of someone burning their trash in a barrel. Discussion followed regarding articles in the local papers about the illegal use of burn barrels as well as burning trash in a fireplace.
Research will be done regarding code requirements so that the articles are correct.
Jim Davis states that Sawmill needs a chipper day. It was suggested that if the piles are near the fuel piles from the grant project, they may be burned at the same time. To be
determined if this is feasible.
Marcine gave an overview of the recent Grant Committee meeting. The committee agreed to reapply for the Tillie Creek and Hungry Gulch fuel reduction projects which were deleted from the Sawmill and Myers Canyon grant proposals due to funding shortages. The committee also agreed to mentor the Kennedy Meadows POA in their
grant application for a Community Fire Safe Plan. Ed Royce has compiled an excellent
abstract of the Kennedy Meadow area. The KRV FSC will act as their fiscal agent for this grant project. Marcine mentioned that the Plater Road community might qualify for a fuels reduction grant. This will be researched further.
It was decided that follow up maintenance on fuel reduction grant projects should be the responsibility of the property owners.
It was suggested that perhaps another article should be submitted to the local newspapers regarding neighborhood/community safe zones in the event of a wildfire. Research for this will be done.
Marcine reiterated the Grant Training Workshop to be held in Bakersield on November 5th. She would like to arrange a meeting after the workshop for the Mt. Pinos, Tehachapi and Kern River Valley FSC’s. The topic for this meeting would be to discuss the pros and cons of establishing a Kern County Fire Safe Council. It was suggested that Marcine and others should talk with the KCFD Chief and determine what he envisions for a County FSC.
It was suggested that a letter be sent to Supervisor McQuiston reiterating the KRV FSC
appreciation of the KCFDs’ involvement in our FSC since its inception and the many grant projects that KCFD has completed. Robin will draft a letter and send to the Board for editing and approval.
Another suggestion was made to send a letter to the Bakersfield California, the Kern Valley Sun and the Kern Valley Courier, thanking KCFD, USFS, BLM, POA’s and the Business Community for support of the FSC and its’ mission to make the residents of the Kern River Valley safer from a wildfire threat. A draft will be send to the Board for approval and editing.
Judy Hyatt gave an overview of the County budget situation. It is estimated that it will take five years to rebound from the current budgetary shortages.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:53 A.M.
Respectfully submitted by: Robin Wyatt-Little, Secretary

Kern River Valley Fire Safe Council ● PO Box 633, Kernville, CA 93238

General information: Lloyd Smith ● (760) 377-3542 or Robin Little ● (760) 376-6842

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